






To foster the dynamic social open innovation ecosystem and mobilize collective resources, the Vietnam National Agency for Technology Entrepreneurship Commercialization Development (NATEC), Community Chest of Korea, United Way Worldwide, MSD United Way Vietnam, and Deloitte Vietnam jointly organize an event titled “2024 UNITED WAY ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL MEETING & TECHFEST SOCIAL OPEN INNOVATION FORUM” with the theme of “Mobilizing Social Capital to Accelerate Community Innovation”

Nov 5-6 (Tue-Wed), 2024

Meliá Hanoi Hotel, 44 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam


Mobilizing Social Capital to Accelerate Community Innovation



 Click here for event registration






Register Now


Engage stakeholders from government, business, academia, and civil society to explore collaborative opportunities and leverage diverse resources for community innovation aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 



Create an open environment for discussion and resource mobilization for upcoming activities. 


Showcase successful models of innovation and entrepreneurship and empower young leaders to drive social and environmental sustainability initiatives. 





CCK, launched in 1998, has been a catalyst for change in the Korean society based on citizens’ voluntary participation for the past 20 years. CCK makes every effort to promote philanthropy, show measurable outcomes, and lead innovations to grow with various partners, and thus make differences in the community.

Community Chest of Korea
Vietnam National Agency for Technology Entrepreneurship Commercialization Development

NATEC is an administrative agency under the Ministry of Science and Technology, which advises and assists the Minister to fulfill State management functions of developing the technology market and supporting the establishment and development of S&T enterprises.

United Way mobilizes communities around the world to close gaps and open opportunities so everyone can thrive. Through the global network spanning 37 countries and 1,100 communities, United Way connects partners, donors, volunteers, and community leaders to tackle the root causes of the world’s most complex challenges while making a positive impact in the lives of millions of people.

United Way Worldwide

Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax & legal, and related services. With more than 175 years of hard work and commitment to making a real difference, Deloitte has grown in scale and diversity—approximately 415,000 people in 150 countries and territories, providing these services. The organization serves four out of five Fortune Global 500® companies.

Deloitte Vietnam

Management and Sustainable Development Institute (MSD) is a Vietnamese non-profit organization. For over 15 years, MSD has been taking long-lasting efforts to contribute to addressing social issues of different communities in Vietnam. MSD officially has become a member of United Way Worldwide under the name of MSD United Way Vietnam since 2021.

MSD United Way Vietnam

The Social Open Innovation Village is a platform that promotes innovation by combining the collective efforts of various stakeholders to address challenges faced by businesses, governments, and society through open innovation. The Village emphasizes the promotion of innovative solutions through a smart living lab model.

TECHFEST Social Open
Innovation Village
DAY 1: 2024 Techfest Innovation & Sustainable Development

November 5, 2024

Speaker Line-up


8:30 - 9:05

Setting the stage

9:05 - 9:30

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Session 1

09:30 - 10:35

DAY 2: Thriving Partnership for Collective Impacts 

November 6, 2024



Special session

10:35 - 11:10

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Keynote Speech 1 by Ms. Nguyen Phuong Linh, Executive Director, MSD United Way Vietnam & Ceremony for Sponsors
The Role of Technology and Social Innovation for the Communities
Remarks by Vietnam Ministry of Science & Technology, United Way Worldwide, Community Chest of Korea, Southeast Asian Research Association Of Vietnam
Setting the Context - Why are we here today?
Innovation and SDGs – The emerging trend
This session aims to set the stage by exploring current trends in innovation and startups, particularly in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
• Keynote Speech 2: A deeper look into social innovation 
• Shinhan Square Bridge Session: Mobilizing Social Capital to Accelerate Community Innovation

• Group photo
• Special Welcome
• Keynote Speech 3: Introduction to Hyundai Motor CMK Foundation and Call to Action for Collective Impact

This session will delve into the role of collective actions in promoting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria.
• Panel Discussion 1: ESG on the trends (Measurement / Tracking)
• Panel Discussion 2: Collective actions for ESG

ESG towards sustainable growth
This session focuses on the transformative power of technology, particularly AI and digitalization, in scaling social impact.
• Afternoon Opening
• Panel Discussion 3: Tech-solutions generating social impacts by startups

Technology to generate social impacts 
Value of Cross-border Partnership 
• Keynote Speech 4: Power of people for good
• Tea break 

Dedicated to youth leadership, the session will explore how nurturing young talent can lead to innovative solutions for social issues. 
The important role of youth entrepreneurship
Panel Discussion 4: Promoting youth leadership in entrepreneurship to address social issues
The final session will highlight the power of individual and collective philanthropy, showcasing major giving initiatives and crowdfunding platforms.
Power of the community 
• Panel Discussion 5: Power of people for good
• Networking

Session 2

11:10 - 12:30

Session 3

13:30 - 14:20

Special session

14:20 - 15:00

Session 4

15:00 - 15:45

15:45 - 17:00

Session 5

Setting the stage 

UWW Design Lab 1

UWW Design Lab 2

UWW Design Lab 3

Wrap up & Closing

Networking Lunch




Day 1 Reflection & Setting the Stage for Design Lab 

Speaker Line-up

Key Lessons learned from Digital Transformation at the System Level
UWW Design Lab 1
UWW Design Lab 2
UWW Design Lab 3
Wrap up & Closing
Networking Lunch

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Speaker Line-up

Message from U.S. United Ways 

Speaker Line-up

Collective Impact to Empower Tomorrow’s Leaders 

9:40 - 10:20

10:20 - 11:00

11:00 - 11:40

11:40 – 12:00

12:00 – 13:00

9:00 - 9:15

9:15 - 9:30

9:30 - 9:40

8:30 - 9:00



SESSION 1: Innovation and SDGs – The emerging trend


SESSION 2: ESG towards sustainable growth

SESSION 3: Technology to generate social impacts

SPECIAL SESSION: Value of Cross-border Partnership

SESSION 4: The important role of youth entrepreneurship

SESSION 5: Power of the community

Panel discussion 1: ESG on the trends (Measurement/Tracking)

Panel discussion 2: Collective actions for ESG

Panel Discussion 3: Tech-solutions generating social impacts by startups

Panel discussion 4: Promoting youth leadership in
entrepreneurship to address social issues

Panel Discussion 5: Power of people for good

Mr. Hangsok Kim

KCCTS & MangLub Vietnam

More Information

Dr. Moosung Chung

Hyundai Motor CMK Foundation

More Information

The United States
Ambassador to Vietnam

More Information

The Honorable Marc E. Knapper
Mr. Pham Thanh Tinh

President of the Southeast Asian Research Association of Vietnam (SEARAV)

More Information

Ms. Hooyung Young

Vice President,
Southeast Asia, Korea & Japan,
United Way Worldwide

More Information

Mr. Sukkun Sun

Shinhan Square Bridge Project Owner, Shinhan Financial Group Hope Foundation

More Information

Mr. Pham Hong Quat

Director General,
NATEC, Ministry of Science and Technology

More Information

Dr. Sonya Anderson

Executive Vice President, United Way Worldwide

More Information

Mr. Pham Hoang Hai

Partnership Development Head – Vietnam Business Counsil For Sustainable Development - VCCI

More Information

Mr. Hoang Anh Dung

INTRACO Holdings

More Information

Mr. Nguyen Lam Thanh

TikTok Vietnam 

More Information

Ms. Prachi Nautiyal

Vice President, Corporate Partnerships, United Way Mumbai

More Information

Mr. Elvin Ivan Yaw Uy

Executive Director, Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)

More Information

Ms. Le Van Anh

Talent Manager,
Business Finland

More Information

Mr. Mahmudi Yusbi

Head, Strategic Planning & Business Development, ASEAN Foundation

More Information

Ms. Ngo Hanh Quyen

Deputy County Director,
SK Happiness Foundation  

More Information

More Information

Ms. Rekha Srinivasan

United Way Hyderabad

More Information

Ms Amy Phan

Sustainability and ESG Portfolio Manager
USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (USAID IPSC)

More Information

Ms. Pham Nhat Nga

Founder & CEO, Creative Solution Consultancy – Creatio

Ms. Le Thi Thu Ha

FIIS (FTU Innovation and
Incubation Space)

More Information

More Information

Dr. Insik Hwang

Secretary General,
Community Chest of Korea 

More Information

Mr. Sungdo Lee

Chief Director, Planning & Strategy
Community Chest of Korea

Mr. Hanjun Park

Family Honor Society Donor, Republic of Korea

More Information

More Information




Ms. Nguyen Phuong Linh

Executive Director,
MSD United Way Vietnam

More Information

Mr. Pham Duy

Chief Incubation Officer,
National Startup Support Center (NSSC), MOST

More Information

Dr. Kiranmai Pendyala

Board Chair, United Way of Hyderabad

More Information

Ms. Fleur Gribnau

First Secretary –
Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

More Information

Mr. Zhao Lv

CEO, Nonprofit Incubator, China

Ms. Chaewon Lee 
Mr. Nguyen Duc Long

Network Performance & Engagement Associate, Southeast Asia, Korea & Japan, United Way Worldwide

SDGs & Innovation Progarm Manager, MSD United Way Vietnam

More Information

Ms. Vo Luong Bich Nguyen

Sustainability Manager - Communications & Corporate Affairs, Unilever

More Information

Ms. Tran Thi Thuy Ngoc

Deputy CEO,
Deloitte Vietnam

More Information

Mr. Clayton Noble

CEO, United Way of Australia

More Information

More Information

Ms. Rosy Sujatha

Chief Operating Officer,
United Way of Chennai

Mr. Gregory Berzonsky

More Information

Vice President, Global Engagement &
Special Counselor to the President & CEO,
United Way Worldwide

Mr. Nguyen Hoanh Tien

More Information

Senior Vice President, Distribution and Marketing Services, Momo

Ms. Lexi Savage

Vice President, Network Engagement, United Way Worldwide 

Mr. Chris Ko

Vice President, Strategy & Impact, United Way of Greater Los Angeles 

Ms. Nguyen Phuong Linh

Executive Director,
MSD United Way Vietnam

More Information

Ms. Tran Thi Thuy Ngoc

Deputy CEO,
Deloitte Vietnam

More Information

More Information

More Information

Ms. Hooyung Young

Vice President,
Southeast Asia, Korea & Japan,
United Way Worldwide

More Information

More Information

More Information

Mr. Le Hong Vu Minh

Nguyen Dinh Chieu
Blind School 

Mr. Yoonseung Kim


More Information

More Information

Mr. Bui Hai Long

CPO & co-founder of Finan/ SoBanHang

More Information

Mr. Sangwook Shin

Chief, Digital Transformation, Community Chest of Korea

Ms. Nilam Shardul Acharya

Executive Director, United Way of Baroda

Mrs. Pritty Patel

Chair, United Way of Baroda

Ms. Kiran Gaudioso

CEO, United Way of Northern New Jersey & President, United for ALICE-Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed 

More Information

More Information

More Information

Dr. Sujeet Ranjan

CEO, United Way of Delhi

More Information

More Information

Mr. Tu Minh Hieu

Deputy Head of Innovation Division, NATEC, Ministry of Science and Technology

More Information

Dr. Hoang Hung Hai

Product Marketing Manager, Qualcomm Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

Mr. Rajesh Krishnan

CEO, United Way Bangaluru 

More Information

More Information

Ms. Tran Van Anh

More Information

Deputy Executive Director,
MSD United Way Vietnam

Mr. Dinh Tran Tuan Linh


More Information


©2024 All rights reversed MSD United Way Vietnam 


Living Lab Vietnam

MSD United Way Vietnam

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Contact Us


Address: Room 1007, 17T9 Building, Hoang Dao Thuy Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam



Hotline: +84-24-6276 9056

MSD Vietnam

Mr. Pham Hong Quat

Director General, National Agency for Technology Entrepreneurship & Commercialization Development (NATEC), MOST

Dr. Sonya Anderson

Executive Vice President, United Way Worldwide

Dr. Insik Hwang

Secretary General,
Community Chest of Kore


Mr. Pham Thanh Tinh

President of the Southeast Asian Research Association of Vietnam (SEARAV) 

Ms. Hooyung Young

Vice President, Southeast Asia, Korea & Japan, United Way Worldwide


Mr. Le Hong Vu Minh

Teacher, Ho Chi Minh City Blind School

Ms. Nguyen Phuong Linh

Executive Director,
MSD United Way Vietnam

Mr. Sun Sukkun

Shinhan Square Bridge
Project Owner, Shinhan Financial Group Hope Foundation


Mr. Yoonseung Kim

Ms. Tran Thi Thuy Ngoc

Deputy CEO,
Deloitte Vietnam

Mr. Tu Minh Hieu

Deputy Head of Innovation Division, NATEC, Ministry of Science and Technology

CPO & co-founder of Finan/SoBanHang

Mr. Bui Hai Long


 Ms. Rekha Srinivasan

CEO, United Way Hyderabad

Partnership Development Head – Vietnam Business Counsil For Sustainable Development - VCCI

Mr. Pham Hoang Hai

Mr. Hangsok Kim

CEO, KCCTS & MangLub Vietnam

Ms. Amy Phan

Sustainability and ESG Portfolio Manager
USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (USAID IPSC)

Ms. Prachi Nautiyal

Vice President, Corporate Partnerships, United Way Mumbai

Mr. Nguyen Lam Thanh

Director, TikTok Technologies Vietnam Company Limited

Mr. Dung Anh Hoang


Ms. Fleur Gribnau

First Secretary – Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Ms. Vo Luong Bich Nguyen

Sustainability Manager - Communications & Corporate Affairs, Unilever

Mr. Elvin Ivan Yaw Uy

Executive Director, Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) 

Mr. Dinh Tran Tuan Linh



Dr. Hoang Hung Hai

Product Marketing Manager, Qualcomm Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

Dr. Kiranmai Pendyala

Board Chair, United Way of Hyderabad

Rajesh Krishnan

CEO, United Way Bangaluru 

 Ms. Tran Van Anh

Deputy Executive Director, MSD

Mr. Pham Dung Nam

Director, National Startup Support Center (NSSC), Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology

Head, Strategic Planning & Business Development, ASEAN Foundation

Mr. Mahmudi Yusbia

Ms. Le Van Anh

Talent Manager, Business Finland

Ms. Pham Nhat Nga

CEO, Creatio

 Ms. Ngo Hanh Quyen

Deputy County Director, SK Happiness Foundation 

Ms. Le Thi Thu Ha

Director, FIIS (FTU Innovation and Incubation Space, Hanoi Foreign Trade University)



CEO, United Way of Australia

 Mr. Clayton Noble

Ms. Rosy Sujatha

Chief Operating Officer,
United Way of Chennai

Mr. Gregory Berzonsky

Vice President, Global Engagement &
Special Counselor to the President & CEO, United Way Worldwide

Dr. Quat has got the Bachelor of Laws in Hanoi Law University of Vietnam in 1991 and obtained the Degree of Doctor of Laws in Nagoya University of Japan in 2007. He has been working for the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam for more than 20 years in different positions. He has experience in making policy on intellectual property protection, technology transfer, innovation and entrepreneurship development. He is in charge of the head of the National Agency for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization (NATEC) from 2014. This agency is running the Project for National Startup Ecosystem Development in Vietnam from 2016.
Director General, National Agency for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Development (NATEC), Ministry of Science and Technology


Insik serves as the Secretary General at the Community Chest of Korea. Began his career at the Community Chest of Korea by leading the annual fundraising campaign ‘Sharing Hope,’ which achieved great success, reaching the targeted amount of $350 million in 2023.
With over 25years of leadership experience in the government agencies, Insik developed his career as a public affairs professional at the Seoul Metropolitan Government, focusing on improving the well-being of persons with disabilities. While at the Seoul Metropolitan Government, he successfully introduced a new policy to lease office space to a café owner who hires people with disabilities, promoting their quality of life within the Seoul Metropolitan Government Building.
His passion for helping the less fortunate never wavered and made a life-changing decision to study social work in the United States at the age of 45. After graduating from the University of Washington with a master’s degree, Insik pursued a Ph.D. in social work at his alma mater, Yonsei University in Korea.
Insik has a clear goal for his remaining term in office: to promote digital fundraising in Korea and create a new trend of giving in everyday life.

Secretary General, Community Chest of Korea


Ms. Hooyung Young is the Vice President - Southeast Asia, South Korea, and Japan of United Way Worldwide, based in Seoul, South Korea. Ms. Hooyung plays a vital role in fostering a robust philanthropic environment for corporations and high-net-worth individuals, enabling the creation of social value in the region and facilitating the network's efforts to strategically and effectively support communities in need. She holds a Bachelor's and a Master's degree from Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea, and a Master of Social Work degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ms. Hooyung has been associated with the United Way Worldwide network for over 14 years, working with network organizations including United Way of Dane County in Madison, WI, Community Chest of Korea, and United Way Worldwide.

United Way operates in the fields of health protection, education assurance, and financial stability for every individual in society. With its global reach and local impact, the network strives to improve the lives of 48 million people each year. Thanks to the contributions of 2.5 million volunteers, the financial support of 7.7 million donors, and 45,000 corporate partners operating in 40 countries, United Way has become the world's largest privately funded nonprofit organization and the leading network in building stronger and more equitable communities.

In 2021, Ms. Hooyung was the Founder and Co-Head of the Challenge and Social Innovation Village, the predecessor of the Social Open Innovation Village.
Vice President Southeast Asia, South Korea and Japan, United Way Worldwide

ms. hooyung young

Ms. Linh Phuong Nguyen is the Executive Director of the Management and Sustainable Development Institute - United Way Vietnam since 2009.
With MSD, Ms. Linh created the ODIC (Organization Development Methodology of Inspiring Culture) to build the capacity for local organizations and provided capacity building programs to hundreds of CSOs and business in Vietnam, and has coached more than 100 local organizations to achieve good governance, better practice of achieving SDGs, corporate social responsibility, transparency and accountability, resource mobilization and build the model of child-friendly organisations. She has also written and published numerous guidebooks and research papers related to CSO and Business Sustainability in Vietnam and Child rights education, Digital citizens and Digital Parenting skills, Young Voices in Vietnam, etc. She holds master degree in Strategic Management in UK in 2008 with the Queen's scholarship, and completed many international scholarship to study short courses in USA, Canada, Australia and Singapore. She is national and international speaker in different important events, workshops. She has travelled to nearly 40 countries around the world. 
Executive Director, MSD United Way Vietnam

ms. nguyen phuong linh

Mr. Hieu has been working at the Ministry of Science and Technology for over eight years, specializing in startup and innovation ecosystem development. He collaborates closely with ministries, local and provincial governments, and the startup community in Vietnam to design and propose a favorable legal framework for startup development in the country. His efforts also extend to implementing initiatives and projects that connect and develop the capabilities of stakeholders within the ecosystem. As a key member of the 844 Program Office, he is instrumental in executing the National Project "Develop the Startup Ecosystem in Vietnam until 2025". Currently serving as the Deputy Head of the Innovative Startup Division under NATEC, his interests are centered around policy development, startup and innovation training and education, innovation acceleration, technology commercialization, and diffusion.
Deputy Head of Innovative Startup Division, National Agency for Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Development (NATEC), Ministry of Science and Technology


Over 20 years of experience in managing and developing carbon finance projects
Implementing and operating over 100 carbon projects across various sectors, including energy savings, clean water, plastic waste collection and treatment, and carbon removal from the atmosphere.


Sonya is the Executive Vice President of United Way Worldwide’s International Network, overseeing the growth and sustainability of United Way’s strategy to strengthen its global reach and impact.

Previously, Sonya was the founder and president of Embark Strategies, a consulting firm that provides thought partnership and technical support to social innovation investors and the philanthropic sector to improve education quality, health equity, and community development. Sonya has been a leader in the nonprofit sector for more than two decades, working to advance education, employment, and life opportunities for youth throughout the United States and around the world.

Sonya’s past leadership experience includes serving as the inaugural Executive Director for Together Rising, President of Thrive-Chicago, and Education Program Director for the Oprah Winfrey Foundation. Sonya holds an undergraduate degree in economics and political science from Yale University, a master’s degree in international affairs from the University of Ghana, and a doctorate in education policy and planning from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

EVP, International Network, United Way Worldwide


Assoc. Prof. Le Thi Thu Ha has nearly 20 years of experience in researching, teaching and onsulting on many issues of enterprises which mostly focus on improving the competitiveness of startups and enterprises as well as products through creating intellectual property, encouraging innovation, and branding.

As the current Director of FTU Innovation and Incubation Space, Prof. Le has led the key activities of FTU towards an entrepreneurship university through developing a new curriculum in E&I, inspiring innovation and entrepreneurship spirit in Vietnamese young people and entrepreneurs, connecting and supporting projects with innovative, community-oriented and sustainable solutions in the last years. FTU was recognized as the pioneer university in the national innovation ecosystem by VCCI, Vietnam and the most impactful institution in the global innovation competition “Social Business Creation” initiated by HEC, Canada (Haute Etudes de Montréal) in 2021. As the leader of Innovation and Intellectual Property Research Team at FTU, Prof. Le is following the impact trend in transdisciplinary research and received research fundings from international organizations and enterprises, such as UNwomen, WTI, Mitsubishi Corporations, Sumitomo Foundations, MOET, MOST…

She chaired and gave talks at various international conferences, forums and seminars such as Forum on Internationalization in Higher Education, International Conference on Social Business Creation, Intellectual Property and Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference... Besides, she participated as an independent consultant in many projects funded by the NGO, International Organization and Government of Vietnam. Prof. Le is also one among three facilitators for the first TOT Course under the IPP- Vietnam - Finland Innovation Partnership Program. Prof Le has experience in mentoring youth and student teams with high ranking in SV Startup Challenge, HultPrice, SBC, Techfest.
Director of FTU Innovation and Incubation Space

Assoc. Prof. Le Thi Thu Ha

Concurrently, Hoa serves as a consultant for the International Financial Corporation (IFC)/World Bank Group, supporting the banks and private sector on climate finance and green economy. She is active also in fields of Environmental Quality Management and Plastics Pollution Reduction, being a technical consultant for various donor funded projects in Vietnam. She used to serve as the Environmental and Climate Change Technical Specialist to Global Affairs Canada and as the Program Manager/Policy Analyst for the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), a leading US-based Environmental Organization, seeding the very first climate change mitigation project on rice paddy in the Mekong Delta. She holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, USA and a Master in Applied Environmental Geosciences from the University of Tuebingen, Germany. She received a BS in Chemical Engineering from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
Co-founder, BUYO Bioplastics


As a key content lead and catalyst of the Shinhan Financial Group Hope Foundation, Mr. Sun shapes and drives the Shinhan Square Bridge initiative. Launched in 2020 under the Group’s mission “Compassion Finance”, it aims to build an ecosystem that bridges between Shinhan Financial Group and startups for innovative growth, global expansion and promotion of startups’ acceleration. 

With his 5-year tenure with the Foundation, Mr. Sun has facilitated among various companies and stakeholders to design the Shinhan Square Bridge model. As a result, the team successfully launched a USD 60 million fund, and supported 480+ member startups by impacting 4,621 youths to connect to employment. In addition, Mr. Sun is Director of the Swith- Shinhan’s Social Coop, supporting social ventures and people with disabilities. Mr. Sukkun Sun, Project Owner, Shinhan Financial Group Hope Foundation. 
Shinhan Square Bridge Project Owner, Shinhan Financial Group Hope Foundation



Ms.  Nguyen Phuong Linh

Executive Director,
MSD United Way Vietnam


 The Honorable Marc E. Knapper

The United States Ambassador to Vietnam

Dr. Moosung Chung

Chairman, Hyundai Motor
CMK Foundation

The Southeast Asian Research Association of Vietnam (SEARAV) is a social and professional organization of Vietnamese citizens and organizations operating in the field of scientific research on countries in the Southeast Asian region. The purpose of the Association is to gather, unite, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of members, and support each other in professional activities, careers, scientific research, teaching, application of science and technology, history, economics, culture, society and related to countries in the Southeast Asian region to contribute to the economic and social development of the country and strengthen international cooperation in the Southeast Asian region and the world for a peaceful, friendly and sustainable Southeast Asia. The organization and operation of the Association are carried out in accordance with the following principles: Voluntariness, self-management; Self-guaranteeing operating expenses; Democracy, equality, publicity, transparency; Not for profit; Compliance with the Constitution, laws and Association's charter approved and promulgated by the Congresses.

Mr. Pham Thanh Tinh is currently the President (since June 2024), having previously served as Vice President from January 2023 to May 2024, and is a Member of the Executive Committee for Terms II, III, and IV, as well as a Member of the Standing Committee for Term IV. 
President of the Southeast Asian Research Association of Vietnam (SEARAV) 

Mr. Pham Thanh Tinh

Holden Yoon Seung Kim is a CEO of LabSD, Inc. He graduated from Boston College with a degree in English Literature, and studied Public Health at Seoul National University Graduate School of Public Health after discharged from active duty as a first Lieutenant at the Republic of Korea Air Force. He also is a co-founder of Project BOM, an eye health research organization affiliated with Yonsei University Severance Hospital, where he served as a Chief Strategy Officer for 8 years. LabSD has been operationg in the field of global eye health for 7 years now trying to connect patients in resource limited conditions, service providers in the community, and global donors who can pay for the service.
CEO, Lab SD 

Mr. Yoonseung Kim

An English teacher at Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special School since 2011. At Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special School, in addition to teaching English, Mr. Minh is also in charge of projects to help visually impaired students integrate into education. He is the one who specializes in "troubleshooting" the difficulties that students face while studying at other integrated schools.

Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special School in Ho Chi Minh City is currently the largest public school for visually impaired children in Vietnam. The predecessor of Nguyen Dinh Chieu Special School was Saigon School for the Blind, founded in 1926. 
Teacher, Nguyen Dinh Chieu Blind School

Mr. Le Hong Vu Minh

[Current] Vice Chairman of Korea National Council on Social Welfare

[Current] Professor at Soongsil University

The Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation has been pursuing a new direction as a "global foundation leading social change and innovation" since 2020. It is driving three major future innovation platform projects, including the Talent Platform, which nurtures future leaders for a sustainable society; the Space Platform, which facilitates communication and collaboration with future generations; and the Knowledge Platform, which focuses on discovering and researching innovative solutions to social issues. 
 Chairman, Hyundai Motor CMK Foundation 

Dr. Moosung Chung

Hai Pham Hoang is a seasoned expert in sustainable business development with over 20 years of experience in ESG strategy design, implementation, and reporting. He has played a key role in developing corporate sustainability indices (CSI) aligned with international standards like ISO 26000, GRI, and CSRD, making significant contributions to Vietnam's sustainable growth.  

Hai is known for his leadership in policy advocacy, having represented the business sector in shaping critical environmental laws and green growth strategies. His work spans partnerships with government agencies, international organizations, and the private sector, reflecting his strong ability to navigate complex regulatory landscapes.  

Throughout his career, Hai has demonstrated exceptional skills in managing multi-stakeholder initiatives, including the Vietnam Corporate Sustainability Forum (VCSF) and the Global Compact Network Vietnam. His expertise also extends to social compliance, labor relations, and capacity building, particularly in industries such as aquaculture, garment, and footwear manufacturing.  

A strong communicator and networker, Hai is recognized for building collaborative platforms across ministries, businesses, and NGOs. His strategic mindset and hands-on approach ensure practical and impactful ESG integration, positioning him as a pivotal leader in advancing Vietnam’s sustainable development agenda.
Partnership Development Head – Vietnam Business Counsil For Sustainable Development - VCCI

Mr. Pham Hoang Hai

Nguyen Vo is a sustainability professional with extensive working experience from corporates and international organizations in Vietnam and Europe, including the United Nations, Unilever etc.

She obtains rich practical knowledge and experience in consulting, implementing, and communicating strategies and projects related to ESG. Currently, she is leading Sustainability business team of Unilever Vietnam, focusing on plastics waste management solutions, circular economy, Net-zero and partnership for sustainability with key stakeholders.
Sustainability Manager - Communications & Corporate Affairs, Unilever 

Ms. Vo Luong Bich Nguyen

CPO & co-founder of Finan/ SoBanHang a rapidly growing platform that empowers small business owners across Vietnam to manage and streamline their operations digitally.

With over a decade of experience, Hải Long has held pivotal roles in major tech firms. His career includes notable positions such as Technology Specialist at Microsoft, VP of Technology at Lazada Vietnam, and Head of Analytics at One Mount Group.

His expertise in both technology and business has been a driving force behind the success of his startup, making him a recognized leader in Vietnam's tech and startup ecosystem.

CPO & co-founder of Finan/ SoBanHang

mr. bui hai LONG

Duy is an experienced entrepreneur and startup ecosystem builder with more than five years of diverse background in providing services and training for startups. He is also involved in co-working space management, investment matching and consultation.
At the moment, Duy is one of the core members of the National Startup Support Centre under the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam. He is in charge of establishing startup hubs and innovation spaces for prestigious universities and localities in the country. At the same time, he is leading the team to connect and collaborate with top VCs and investors as well as accelerators and incubators in Vietnam.
Chief Incubation Officer, National Startup Support Center (NSSC),
Ministry of Science and Technology 


Project Director at Sunny Vietnam, Deputy Director of The Happiness Foundation office - Sponsor, and Head of the organizing committee for the Social Impact Startup Program (VSIS).
Master's degree in Communication, specializing in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sookmyung Women's University, South Korea.
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, National Economics University. 
Deputy County Director, SK Happiness Foundation  

Ms. Ngo Hanh Quyen

Mr. Nguyen Lam Thanh has over 20 years of experience working in both the public and private sectors in the field of Information Technology and Communication. He has held senior leadership positions at multinational corporations such as Intel, Samsung, and 3M, as well as at local organizations including the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Science and Technology, FPT Corporation, VTC Corporation, and VinGroup.

Since 2011, Mr. Thanh has served as the Vice President of the Vietnam Digital Communication Association (VDCA) and was the Vice President of the Vietnam Internet Association (VIA) from 2010 to 2015. He has been the TikTok Representative in Vietnam since 2018. 
Director, TikTok Technologies Vietnam Company Limited

Mr. Nguyen Lam Thanh

Nguyen Hoanh Tien is Senior Vice President at MoMo. He has more than 25 years of experience in the technology industry with many senior leadership roles at MoMo, Seedcom and VNG. Throughout his career, Tien has developed many initiatives to combine business, technology and social impact, such as UpRace, GivingLunch and MoMo Donation-by-Purchase.

He co-founded the USGuide and Connek volunteer networks and supported institutionalization of Vong Tay Be Ban charity group. He is actively coaching volunteer network members and young tech entrepreneurs.

He is a Trustee of Newborns Vietnam, a UK NGO dedicated to reducing neonatal mortality in Vietnam.
Senior Vice President, Marketing and Distribution Services, MoMo 

Mr. Nguyen Hoanh Tien

Mudi Yusbi is currently the Head of Strategic Planning and Business Development of the ASEAN Foundation. He leads the ASEAN Foundation in spearheading strategic growth and ensuring resource sustainability to maximise and expand the ASEAN Foundation’s programme impact in Southeast Asia.

In the last 18 years, he has worked for several international organisations, such as the United Nations, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Medicines Sans Frontiers (MSF), and the ASEAN Body. 
Head, Strategic Planning & Business Development, ASEAN Foundation

Mr. Mahmudi Yusbi


Ms. Tran Thi Thuy Ngoc

Vice President, Network Engagement, United Way Worldwide

Ms. Lexi Savage

Ms. Hooyung Young

Vice President, Southeast Asia, Korea & Japan, United Way Worldwide

Deputy CEO,
Deloitte Vietnam


Mr. Chris Ko

Vice President, Strategy & Impact, United Way of Greater Los Angeles

 Ms. Kiran Handa Gaudioso

CEO, United Way of Northern New Jersey & President, United for ALICE-Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed 


 Mr. Sangwook Shin

Chief Director, Digital Transformation
Community Chest of Korea


Mrs. Pritty Patel

Chair, United Way of Baroda

Ms. Nilam Shardul Acharya

Executive Director, United Way of Baroda

United Way Taiwan

Ms. Chaewon Lee 

Mr. Zhao Lv

CEO, Nonprofit Incubator, China


SDGs & Innovation Progarm Manager MSD United Way Vietnam

Mr. Nguyen Duc Long

Network Performance & Engagement Associate, Southeast Asia, Korea & Japan, United Way Worldwide


Ms. Linh Phuong Nguyen

Executive Director,
MSD United Way Vietnam


Ms. Hooyung Young

Vice President, Southeast Asia, Korea & Japan, United Way Worldwide



Clayton Noble commenced as CEO of United Way Australia in early 2017. After a successful start to his career as an Air Force Officer, Clayton held executives roles with companies including Fuji Xerox, Dell & Coles Myers, leading diverse teams across Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Clayton adopts a values-driven leadership approach with a deep sense of purpose and demonstrated commitment to life-affirming values. He is also a strong advocate for business leaders adopting a ‘profit for purpose’ mindset through effective business/community engagement. Clayton takes a collaborative approach to his work as a social change agent, and takes a particular interest in child & youth success and ethical supply chains.

Clayton has an undergraduate degree in business and master degree in science. He lives in Sydney, married with four adult children, and is a keen ocean swimmer & kayaker.

CEO, United Way Australia

Mr. Clayton Noble

Ms. Van Anh Le serves as the Talent Manager for Vietnam at Business Finland’s Work in Finland unit, where she leads regional efforts in advancing the Talent Boost program. This government initiative seeks to strengthen ties between Vietnam and Finland, fostering deeper collaboration between Vietnamese professionals and Finland’s dynamic ecosystem.

In her capacity, Van Anh oversees the development of strategic channels that connect Vietnamese professionals—particularly in technology, IT, and the startup space—with the wealth of opportunities Finland offers. She acknowledges the exceptional skills and potential of Vietnamese talent, particularly among startup founders. With a highly talented tech workforce, Vietnam is an ideal partner for Finland’s cutting-edge ecosystem. Finland’s accelerators and top-tier mentors provide invaluable support, refining business strategies, fostering collaboration with like-minded innovators, and unlocking many opportunities for Vietnamese founders.
Talent Manager, Business Finland

Ms. Le Van Anh

Elvin Ivan Y. Uy is the Executive Director of Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), the country’s largest business-led NGO at the nexus of corporate citizenship, sustainable development, and poverty reduction. He also leads several of the most impactful local NGOs — as Chairperson of the Foundation for a Sustainable Society, Inc. (FSSI), Treasurer of the Partnership for Development Assistance in the Philippines (PDAP), and trustee of the Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO), Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC), and Restart Micro-Enterprise (RestartME).

He is a member of the Standing Committee on Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) and Basic Education of the Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM II), and a former Assistant Secretary and K to 12 Program Coordinator of the Department of Education (DepEd). 

Before and after stints in the public sector, Elvin did product management, business development, strategic management, and sustainability in the Philippine telecommunications and steel industries. He is the recipient of the 2017 Carnegie Mellon University Outstanding Recent Alumni Award and ranked first in the April 2005 Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) Licensure Examination.

Elvin has a Master of Science in Public Policy and Management, Highest Distinction, from Carnegie Mellon University in Australia as an Australia Awards scholar and an ECE degree, Magna Cum Laude, from De La Salle University. He completed a year-long IDEAS (Innovative Dynamic Education and Action for Sustainability) Asia Pacific Fellowship with the MIT Sloan School of Management and United in Diversity (UID) in 2023.
Executive Director - Philippine Business for Social Progress

Mr. Elvin Ivan Yaw Uy

Ms. Tran Van Anh holds a Master of Science degree in Sustainable Rural Development from the Republic of Ireland.

With more than 15 years of experience in the field of Sustainable Development, Ms. Van Anh has managed development projects in many sectors: poverty reduction through livelihood development; international economic integration, war consequences remedy and support for people with disability, child rights governance, gender equality, and support for social impact businesses.

In particular, Van Anh has actively engaged in building capacity for Vietnamese CSOs and enabling their contribution to the SDGs implementation progress, as well as in efforts to facilitate CSR/CSV and SDGs commitments from the private sector.
Deputy Executive Director, MSD United Way Vietnam

Ms. Tran Van Anh

Dr. Kiranmai Dutt Pendyala is currently Corporate Vice President, Human Resources, UPS, a Fortune 100 world leader in supply chain and Logistics. She was formerly, Head Human Resources, Western Digital India. Kiranmai Pendyala is also the Governing Body Member on several Higher Education Institutions / Deemed Universities as well as on United Way, Hyderabad, a Not for Profit- “for Impact” organization.

She was earlier the Head of Human Resources and Site Administration, Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) India, the parent company of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), starting its Data Services operations in India in 2019. Dr. Dutt was also the Corporate Vice President, Human Resources, at AMD, led the HR Infrastructure, Systems, Services, Tools, Technology, Employee Relations, Analytics, Processes and Policies globally. In her former role Dr. Kiranmai was the Regional CHRO, CVP, HRBP for the vast region outside Americas- Greater Asia, and EMEA Regions, and straddled the region responsibility for strategic plans on talent acquisition, talent management, and talent development and partnered with the Human Resources Leaders in her First Team to represent the employee voice of the Region. Dr. Kiranmai has good knowledge of Employment Laws across the countries in EMEA Region, APJ Region, and Greater China Region, given her HR Executive Role covering the regions, outside the Americas.

She was the Head of a Center of Excellence at The ISB- Center for Leadership, Innovation, and Change (CLIC) and partnered with industry champions like OP Bhatt of SBI, for the SBI transformation project, Ms. Kiran Mazumdar Shah of Biocon on Innovation Models, etc.

Dr. Kiranmai was a Former chairperson of AMCHAM, ISTD, IESA, and Exec member of NHRD, HYSEA, CII HR, CII IWN Committees.

Dr. Kiranmai brings together a unique blend of keen academic focus and organizational experience. She has successfully straddled diverse roles in teaching, training, human resource development, consulting, quality, and technical writing. She is an accomplished author with multiple of her books prescribed as curriculum by various universities across the country.

Three Decades of Professional Experience with a blend of Academics, Research, Angel Investments, Not for Profit, & Corporate Executive Leadership roles.

Board Chair, United Way of Hyderabad

Dr. Kiranmai Pendyala

As Staff Manager in Product Marketing, Hai Hoang oversees Qualcomm product roadmap and portfolio in Vietnam with the goal of driving Qualcomm technology adoption in this region. Hai also leads key initiatives of Edge AI, IoT, Smart Cities and 5G in Vietnam.  

Prior to joining Qualcomm, Hai spent 8 years at Viettel’s Device R&D and Manufacturing Division. He was the Project Manager for many key product development projects. Hai then advanced and became Technology Manager, Senior R&D Manager, Product Director and Head of Strategic Partnerships for Viettel Group with broad scope and product lines including smartphones, IoT, WiFi and access products. Hai also worked with Vingroup as Director of Strategic Partnerships and managed the partnerships in Israel, US and EU for Smartphone, IoT and Automotive product development.

Hai graduated from Vietnam National University, Hanoi, in Electronics and Telecommunication and holds Ph.D degree from Florida State University, U.S in Electrical Engineering.
Product Marketing Manager, Qualcomm Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

Mr. Hoang hung hai

As an expert in emission reduction and social enterprise, Mr. Kim has extensive experience in mangrove restoration, social enterprises related to the UN-SDGs, and carbon reduction projects. He has been actively working on mangrove restoration in the Mekong Delta Area of Southern Vietnam, which is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Additionally, Mr. Kim has been involved in a variety of global projects across India, Vietnam, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Ethiopia, focused on reducing emissions and promoting sustainable development goals. His expertise makes him well-suited to assist organizations and governments in implementing effective and sustainable emission reduction strategies.
CEO, KCCTS & MangLub Vietnam

Mr. Hangsok Kim

Marc E. Knapper is a member of the Senior Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State and the Ambassador to Vietnam. He most recently served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Korea and Japan from August 2018 to July 2021. Prior to assuming this position, Marc was Chargé d’Affaires ad interim in Seoul from 2017 to 2018 and Deputy Chief of Mission from 2015 to 2016. Earlier assignments include Director for India Affairs, Director for Japan Affairs, and Seoul, Baghdad, Tokyo, and Hanoi.

Marc is a recipient of the Secretary of State’s Distinguished Service Award, the nation’s highest diplomatic honor. Marc has also received a Presidential Meritorious Service Award and the Department of State’s Linguist of the Year Award. He is a summa cum laude graduate of Princeton University, and also studied at the University of Tokyo, Middlebury College’s intensive Japanese program, the Army War College, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Seminar XXI program. Marc speaks Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese.
The United States Ambassador to Vietnam

The Honorable Marc E. Knapper

Experienced CEO with over 24 years of work in Social Sector space. Skilled in NGO Management, Fundraising and Project Operations. Passionate about Rights of the Vulnerable and Livelihoods of the poor. Experienced in Large scale project evaluations, program design and worked on several forward looking documents for Donors and Academic Institutions. Social development professional with a Master of Arts (M.A.) focused in Mass Communication/Media Studies with special interest in Development Communication from Bangalore University and certification in reporting mechanisms to UN treaty bodies, Legal rights of Women and Advocacy skills. 
CEO, United Way Hyderabad

Ms. Rekha Srinivasan

Prachi Nautiyal joined United Way Mumbai in 2013. She heads the Corporate Partnerships department. She comes with experience in the development sector in the key areas of program planning and implementation, resource mobilisation, grant management in CSR. Over the years, her key focus has been in the areas of women's studies, geriatrics, early child development and education, and developing and testing modules in the area of sustainable livelihoods through cluster-based approaches & self-help groups in non-agricultural livelihood in India.

Prachi has worked extensively with the government in public-private partnerships, with multilateral funding organisations in the areas of fundraising, research, program planning & implementation, monitoring and review of field programs and has written research papers in gender studies. Prachi holds a Master's degree in Linguistics from Delhi University and has done her post-graduation in Social Work from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Vice President, Corporate Partnerships, United Way Mumbai


Mr. Rajesh Krishnan is a dynamic professional with over 19 years of experience who transitioned from Corporate India to the social sector in 2015, driven by a passion for making a difference. His journey began with a successful career at Schneider Electric, where he managed enterprise business, leading teams across India and the Asia Pacific, achieving revenues exceeding 160 Cr, and receiving multiple accolades, including recognition as one of the top three resources in the LEAP Leadership Program.

In 2016, Mr. Rajesh Krishnan began volunteering with United Way Bengaluru, which deepened his commitment to community service and personal growth. His time as a Teach for India fellow allowed him to teach English, Math, and Science to 140 children in Whitefield, Bangalore, providing one of the most rewarding experiences of his life.

His academic achievements include earning a First Rank in Industrial and Production Engineering and a Gold Medal in Marketing from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. Mr. Rajesh Krishnan is dedicated to embracing challenges, fostering empathy, and continuously evolving both professionally and personally.
Vice President, Corporate Partnerships, United Way Mumbai

Mr. Rajesh Krishnan

Ms. Rosy Sujatha is currently the Chief Operating Officer of United Way of Chennai, having previously led Corporate Partnerships. Prior to this role, she served as the Senior Manager for National Programmes at CESVI, Regional Manager at the Haemophilia Federation, and State Monitoring and Evaluation Manager for Child Rights & You. She holds a Master of Philosophy in Public Administration and a Master of Business Administration, along with additional qualifications in Science, Human Rights, Guidance and Counselling, and Food & Nutrition.

With over 25 years of expertise in social sector and a diverse educational background she has a comprehensive perspective on social issues. She has represented the country on international platforms, advocating for marginalized populations, especially women with disabilities. She is interested in exploring how societal norms and institutional frameworks impact the access of underprivileged to education, employment, and healthcare.

Chief Operating Officer, United Way of Chennai

Ms. Rosy Sujatha

Gregory is United Way Worldwide’s Chief Diplomat and Ambassador, representing the global network of United Way organizations to the United Nations, the World Bank and its regional banks, the World Economic Forum, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the International Chamber of Commerce, among other influential, transnational institutions. He also finds resolutions to challenges within the United Way global network when they arise. Gregory leads the United Way Worldwide office in Geneva, Switzerland. He has established new United Way organizations in more than a dozen countries and has written several of the core treatises for United Way, including the Global Standards for United Way Organizations and How to Start a New United Way. Gregory speaks several languages including Russian and French and has degrees from Columbia University and the University of Paris-Sorbonne.
Vice President, Global Engagement &
Special Counselor to the President & CEO, United Way Worldwide

Mr. Gregory Berzonsky

Mr. Hanjun Park

Family Honor Society Donor, Republic of Korea

Mr. Sungdo Lee

Community Chest of Korea – Introducing the Honor Society (Major Giving Society) 


Amy Phan is an MBA graduate with a diverse background in both the private and development sectors. As part of her role at the USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (USAID IPSC) project, she collaborates closely with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to spearhead the adoption of ESG practices and sustainable business models among SMEs. Since 2022, USAID IPSC has provided support to improve awareness and develop capacity related to ESG and sustainability for nearly 4,000 SMEs across sectors, especially through the Vietnam ESG Initiative program.
Amy has also led several work streams to support policy implementation and develop various resources to facilitate ESG adoption among SMEs, such as the Handbook on Introduction to ESG Laws and Regulations 2024, Baseline Assessment of the Adoption of ESG among Businesses in 2024, Sustainable Business Self-Assessment Toolkits, etc.
Additionally, she co-founded and manages Seed Planter, a business incubator to promote social entrepreneurship and nurture impact businesses in Vietnam through startup bootcamps and community events. Since 2018, Seed Planter has incubated nearly 20 social impact businesses across different sectors, notably agriculture, education, and recycling.

Sustainability and ESG Portfolio Manager
USAID Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (USAID IPSC)

Ms Amy Phan

Pham Nhat Nga is founder and CEO of Creatio Creative Solution Consultancy. Her company was involved in the first nuclear power plant and the first metro line in Vietnam.

Nga graduated Bachelor of Commerce in 2007 at RMIT. During her 16 years career in communications, Nga has constantly run CREATIO, an agency provides consultation service in communications, sustainable development, gender equality, labor right and children right.

Nga is also an agent of change in environmental protection and the founder of an initiative to promote women empowerment in Vietnam, which received a grant by the US Embassy in July 2020. 
Founder & CEO, Creative Solution Consultancy – Creatio

Ms. Pham Nhat Nga

Sungdo serves as the Chief Director of Planning and Strategy at the Community Chest of Korea, leading product innovation and philanthropic initiatives.
Previously, Sungdo was the director of E-Land Welfare Foundation, an internal corporate philanthropic organization founded by E-Land Group, a major Korean conglomerate that provides emergency assistance to communities in need. With extensive leadership experience in the nonprofit sector, Sungdo served as a committee member for Corporates Social Responsibility at Korea Institute of Certified Public Accountants and as a committee member for Policy at Seoul Association of Social Work.
Sungdo’s past leadership experience includes serving as the managing director of the Gwang-ju and Gyeongsangnam-do Community Chest of Korea, and the auditor general of Community Chest of Korea Headquarter.
Recognized for dedicated work, Sungdo received commendations from the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the Ministry of Health and Wlefare.
Sungdo holds an undergraduate and a master’s degree in social welfare from Choong-ang University, and a doctorate in social welfare from Soongsil University.

Chief Director, Planning & Strategy
Community Chest of Korea

Mr. Sungdo Lee


Dr. Sujeet Ranjan

CEO, United Way of Delhi

David Hanjun Park started his career as assistant manager at Green Egg Co., Ltd which is a Korean-Vietnamese start-up, where he experienced various types of investments in Vietnam and conducted Korea-Vietnam cross-border deal reviews in various fields. Also, he served as manager at Green Egg F&B, where he participated in establishing Vietnamese coffee franchise business in Korea. After leveraging diverse experience in Korea and Vietnam, he joined Korea Investment & Securities where he managed overall business strategies and management of its subsidiary in Vietnam, specialized in strategic planning.
He graduated high school in Canada and he holds Bachelor’s major degree in Economics and minor degree in Mathematics from New York University.
He has become a member of “honor society” from Community Chest of Korea which is a giving program for individuals who commit more than 100mil KRW in 2024.
Family Honor Society Donor, Republic of Korea

Mr. Hanjun Park

Strategic Leader and Executive Director with 19 years of expertise in steering organizational growth, optimizing operational efficiency, and leading highimpact teams. Proven track record in developing and executing innovative strategies to achieve mission-driven goals, fostering stakeholder partnerships, and driving community-centric initiatives at United Way of Baroda.

Recognized for a results-oriented approach, exceptional leadership, and a commitment to sustainable social change.
Executive Director, United Way of Baroda

Ms. Nilam Shardul Acharya

Kiran Handa Gaudioso became CEO of United Way of Northern New Jersey and President of United For ALICE — the organization’s research arm — in 2020. Kiran took the helm after nearly a decade at the organization, leading a national movement that harnesses non-partisan data to fuel lasting change for ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) individuals and families — those who earn above the Federal Poverty Level but less than what it takes to get by in today’s economy.
Kiran grew up in an ALICE family, giving her a deep understanding of the impossible choices ALICE families face daily. Under her leadership, this United Way has deployed the ALICE insights to incubate replicable solutions that are unlocking opportunities for ALICE workers to achieve financial stability in New Jersey and across the country.
A hallmark of Kiran’s career is her dedication to mission-driven organizations working on the ground to address racial and economic inequities with students, adults, and families in diverse communities. She serves on the United Ways of New Jersey Executive Board and is a trustee of the Edwin Gould Foundation and Rising Tide Capital. In 2024, she was appointed to the New Jersey-India Commission by Governor Phil Murphy.
Kiran has an M.A. in political science from The Eagleton Institute of Public Policy at Rutgers University and a B.A. in political science and policy studies from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University.
CEO, United Way of Northern New Jersey & President, United for ALICE-Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed 

Ms. Kiran Gaudioso

Mr. Dinh Tran Tuan Linh is the Founder of TUVA Communication, a social communication initiative that has collaborated with organizations such as CARE International in Vietnam and Oxfam in Vietnam to carry out numerous social projects aimed at supporting vulnerable groups and eliminating social inequality. Some notable projects include "Nhà Nhiều Cột," "Genderation Vietnam," "Goodvertising Vietnam," and "Công nhân Việt."
In addition to social campaigns, TUVA Communication also engages in projects utilizing technology, big data, and social listening tools to provide consulting services and help organizations implement effective communication strategies, reaching broader target audiences and spreading impactful messages within the community.
In another capacity, Mr. Đinh Trần Tuấn Linh serves as a trainer and mentor for digital communication, social media, and marketing training programs in collaboration with organizations such as Oxfam, MSD, FPT, and the iSee Institute.
In the field of technology, Mr. Đinh Trần Tuấn Linh is the Co-founder of Unikon, a company that applies AI to develop and deliver comprehensive creative solutions for modern platforms, particularly in the areas of content and marketing communications. He also serves as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Unikon, where he is responsible for AI research and development, including AI-powered content creation tools, as well as other technological products. Mr. Linh provides AI-driven solutions to support the execution of annual campaigns for numerous major clients.


Mr. Dinh Tran Tuan Linh

He serves as a chief of the Digital Transformation Division, where he directs information system operations and leads process innovation.
He previously worked at several companies in charge of public system construction, telecommunication billing system operation, security verification, software testing, logistics system construction, CMMI certification, and company-wide quality assurance.
Since joining the Community Chest of Korea in 2009, he has been working as the head of the IT division. Also, he served as the PM for the establishment of the Fundraising Management System (FMS) in 2010, the Allocation Management System (AMS) in 2012, and the Integrated Fundraising Information System (CICS) in 2016.
Sangwook holds a master’s degree in social welfare from University of Seoul.
He serves as a chief of the Digital Transformation Division, where he directs information system operations and leads process innovation.
He previously worked at several companies in charge of public system construction, telecommunication billing system operation, security verification, software testing, logistics system construction, CMMI certification, and company-wide quality assurance.
Since joining the Community Chest of Korea in 2009, he has been working as the head of the IT division. Also, he served as the PM for the establishment of the Fundraising Management System (FMS) in 2010, the Allocation Management System (AMS) in 2012, and the Integrated Fundraising Information System (CICS) in 2016.
Sangwook holds a master’s degree in social welfare from University of Seoul.

Chief, Digital Transformation, Community Chest of Korea

Mr. Sangwook Shin

Mr. Lv Zhao, founder and president of NPI, is a prominent leader in China’s social sector. Since 2006, he launched China’s first nonprofit incubator, driving innovation in community development, corporate social responsibility, and social impact investment nationwide. Today, NPI supports over 3,000 nonprofits across nearly 50 cities. Mr. Lv’s honors include the China Philanthropy Figure Award, the Shanghai Charity Award, and Southern Weekly’s Annual Leadership in Responsibility. He also serves on multiple foundation boards.
CEO, Nonprofit Incubator, China

Mr. Lv Zhao

Fleur Gribnau is First Secretary Economic Affairs at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hanoi. In this role, she focuses on strengthening trade relations and creating business opportunities between the Netherlands and Vietnam. Before working in Hanoi, Fleur fulfilled different roles within the Dutch government, including the role of EU Policy Advisor within the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy as well as the role of Economic Attaché at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin. Prior to working for the Dutch government, Fleur worked at Kreab, a global strategic communications consultancy, where she advised corporations on EU-affairs.
First Secretary – Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Ms. Fleur Gribnau

Ngoc has 30 years working at Deloitte Vietnam in strategy & operation consulting, risk advisory, audit and
assurance. As the Firm’s Sustainability & Climate Service Leader and with years of in-depth and extensive
experience in serving big SOE Group/Corporations, MNCs and private entities in various industries such as energy & resources (particularly power & utilities), banking and capital markets, telecommunications & technology etc., Ngoc has actively participated in different projects such as Vietnam Low Emission Energy Program (V-LEEP II) to support Vietnam Government in implementation of green and renewable energy, provide input/comments on draft Power Development Planning VIII (PDP8) on Vietnam Government’s plan to de-carbonize the country etc. She was also active speakers in various events, raising the awareness and promoting ESG in general and sustainability development in particular amongst the entrepreneurial community. 
Besides, Ngoc has had years working very closely with local regulatory and professional bodies such as the Ministry of Finance, State Bank of Vietnam, State Securities Commission (SSC), Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Information and Communications, and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MoNRE), and Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants (VACPA) on market development orientation projects and promulgation  of relevant legal documents.
Ngoc is currently the Vice President of Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants (VACPA), and a memberof Vietnam Association of Accounting (VAA). She is holder of CPA Vietnam, FCPA Australia and Master Degree in Business Administration (Hawaii University, United States).
Deputy CEO
Deloitte Vietnam

ms. tran thi thuy ngoc

Dr. Sujeet Ranjan, has been associated with Philanthropy and Not for profit sector for more than two decades. His experience includes large-scale program management, policy advocacy and partnership management.
He is associated with United Way of Delhi, India as Chief Executive Officer. Prior to this, he has worked as Associate Director of Tata Trusts and Director – CARE International in India. He is working closely with the Government, Private Sector and Civil Society Organisations and National / International organization in the field of social development.
He has undergone International Fellowship Program on Visionary Leadership. Has undertaken the international fellowship on leadership at the Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS), Nairobi, Kenya, and with the NFPCB, Government of Indonesia, Jakarta.

CEO, United Way of Delhi

Dr. Sujeet Ranjan

Chris Ko serves as Vice President, Impact & Strategy for the United Way of Greater Los Angeles, overseeing its efforts to ensure every resident in LA County has a quality education, a stable job, and safe housing. In his time here, he has helped craft the community coalitions to create and pass historic ballot measures around housing (HHH), homelessness (H), and racial justice (J). He also doubled participation in the homeless count and lead the architecture of the Coordinated Entry System.
Chris has enjoyed seeing different approaches to social change over the last 20 years working to expand community schools and close the digital divide in West Philadelphia and managing IT at a Liberian Refugee Camp Self-Help Initiative. He began his time in Los Angeles serving as an economic development policy aide for Mayor Villaraigosa, helping to design Bank on LA, which went on to bring 10,000+ low-income Angelenos into the financial mainstream. He was subsequently named as a Coro Fellow and worked on special projects for SEIU 721, KPCC, and LAUSD VP Yolie Flores. He now proudly serves on the board of Brilliant Corners and is thrilled to be supported as a Stanton Fellow by the Durfee Foundation. He is happily devoted to building the rich community that is Los Angeles County and is in the middle of a quest to visit each of its 88 cities.
Vice President, Strategy & Impact, United Way of Greater Los Angeles 

Mr. Chris Ko

In her current role, she provides support to all 1,000 United Ways across the United States, helping them access tools, resources, and best practices to achieve their mission. 
Her 20 years of nonprofit experience in both the arts and health and human services sectors allowed Savage to build her expertise in the areas of strategic planning, fundraising, public relations, marketing, special events, and more. She earned her Master of Science in Nonprofit Management and Bachelor of Arts in Art History, both from Florida Atlantic University.
Vice President, Network Engagement, United Way Worldwide


Chairperson of United Way of Baroda, bringing years of impactful leadership in nonprofit management, dedicated to advancing organizational growth, optimizing operational efficiency, and leading mission-driven teams. Expertise in crafting and executing innovative strategies for sustainable social impact, fostering strong partnerships with diverse stakeholders, and championing community-centered initiatives for lasting change.
Chairperson, United Way of Baroda

Ms. Pritty Patel