On October 6th, 2022, the regular bi-month meeting of the Leave No One Behind Vietnam Partnership (LNOB Vietnam) was conducted both virtually and in person at World Vision Vietnam’s representative office. The meeting was attended by representatives of member organizations: Management and Sustainable Development Institute (MSD Vietnam), ChildFund Vietnam, Save the Children in Vietnam, World Vision Vietnam, Plan International Vietnam,…
In the meeting, members reported on key activities of LNOB Vietnam in 2022, updated on and discussed the progress and results of the preliminary data analysis, and next steps for the Citizen-Generated Data project on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Vietnam. LNOB Vietnam’s engagement in Voluntary National Review 2023 was also raised in the meeting.
On the international operational level, representatives of member organizations discussed LNOB Vietnam’s opportunity to engage in some activities with LNOB Global.
The Leave No One Behind Partnership (LNOB Vietnam) was established in 2017 with the mission to empower disadvantaged and vulnerable groups through the inclusive and widespread implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Since June 2020, MSD has been honorably selected as the country lead, pledging its commitment to building an ecosystem of solidarity and collaboration in the practice of sustainable development.