Project Strengthening the capacity of children's rights governance for Vietnamese civil society organizations
– Time: September 1, 2017 – December 31, 2019
– Sponsor: Save the Children International in Vietnam
– Overall objective: The project aims to strengthen the performance of civil society organizations together with the Government to contribute to the implementation of the recommendations outlined in the conclusion of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child on the implementation of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Civil Society organizations (CSOs) participating in the project are organizations with legal status, legally established in accordance with the law of Vietnam.
– Main results: Within the framework of the project, MSD is responsible for implementing the following results:
▪︎ Strengthen the capacity of CSOs in formulating organizational strategies, awareness of children’s rights, and effective child protection;
▪︎ Enhance exchange, sharing and learning experiences among CSOs in child protection;
▪︎ Communicating, and raising awareness on ending violence against children in the community.
The main beneficiaries of the project are children and CSOs, these are organizations with legal status, legally established in accordance with the law of Vietnam.
– Main activities include:
▪︎ 15 training for CSOs on issues related to children’s rights including the International Convention on the Rights of the Child; Principles of children’s rights; Children’s Law; Organizational development strategy; Children’s participation; Prevention of violence against children; Physical and mental punishments include hitting and scolding children; Positive discipline skills for parents with children in replacement for physical and emotional punishment; Governance and governance of children’s rights; Working with vulnerable children; Children’s Rights Program, Gender Equality.
Location: In the locations of the project implementation partner including Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and other provinces.
Participants: Representatives of CSOs, with legal status, interested in children.
Lecturer: a local expert on children, with experience in teaching children’s issues;
▪︎ 3 visits, learning experiences: learning from international experiences on models of cooperation, promotion and support for children’s rights enforcement in Southeast Asia;
▪︎ 30 meetings, talks, exchanges, sharing and learning about children’s rights
Location: at the locations of the project implementation partner.
Participants: Representatives of CSOs, having legal status, and interested in children’s rights; representatives of state agencies at all levels;
▪︎ 3 Research and survey on issues related to children’s rights such as Positive Parenting Methods, Child Violence Prevention, Children’s Rights in Business Principles, etc.
▪︎ Participate in technical support for the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Children’s Rights (VACR) in contributing content to reports of NGOs on the implementation of children’s rights. The VACR is the principal agency responsible for writing the report. Other partners in the project: responsible for providing information and content for the report.
The direct beneficiaries of MSD’s activities are children and CSOs interested in children with legal status, domestic and non-public child-rearing centers/facilities.